What’s it like to work in an imaging core?

What is a typical day like in the life of an imaging core facility director? What qualifications are necessary to work in an imaging core facility? The video below is a recording of a live online presentation that was given by Jennifer Waters in May 2020. The presentation was intended for scientists interested in pursuing a career in an imaging core facility, and answers a wide range of pre-submitted questions from those who attended. The presentation was announced on Twitter (@JenCWaters).

Publications on core facility careers

Core management courses

In-person imaging courses

To search for upcoming imaging courses, visit Microlist.org

Online imaging courses


For image acquisition Q&A and discussion: Microforum

For image analysis Q&A and discussion: Image.sc

Find a job in an imaging core

Search job postings on Microlist.org

Imaging core jobs are often retweeted by @Microforum, @BioImagingUK and Jennifer Waters on Twitter

Visit the BioImaging North America job board

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